dice size comparison chart by Chessex Dice

By now, you are well aware of the sheer variety of different types of dice out there in the world. New games have expanded shapes and there seem to be an infinite number of different color combinations. Gone are the days of only owning a single set of black and white D6’s!

But dice also come in a wide variety of sizes and certain games prefer different sizes to others.

The last thing you want is for your excitement to vanish as the new dice you opened turn out to be WAY smaller than you expected.

To help you out, I’ve answered some of the most common questions surrounding dice size comparison in this handy dice guide.

What size are Monopoly dice? Standard Monopoly dice are 16mm in size

What size are standard dice? Standard dice are generally 16mm in size, but it is not uncommon to see “standard dice” vary between 14mm and 16mm.

What size are Yahtzee dice? 16mm in size. 

So the board games I grew up with all have 16mm dice? Not necessarily. Plenty of games have unique dice sizes. That said, the reason most gamers are especially comfortable with 16mm dice is because of their use in popular games such as Monopoly, Bunco, and 10,000.

What size are Casino dice? 19mm with a razor edge. 

16mm dice and 19mm dice

Here in this comparison, dice size differences are on full display: the red 19mm casino dice has a distinct, crisp look due to its size and razor edge.

What's a razor edge dice? A “razor edge” means the edges of the dice are precise, rather than rounded.

What size are D&D dice? Whatever you want them to be! There are about as many styles and different types of dice for D&D as there are players; it is not uncommon for the dice of every player at a table to vary significantly by brand and style. For most sets, the dice will correspond to the size of the D6. So if a D6 is 16mm, a D8 would be around 15mm, and a D20 around 18mm.

So what dice should I get? For most players the standard dice size of 16mm is ideal. As far as dice size comparison goes, these dice fit comfortably in most adult hands and are easy to read.

Not sure what size your dice are? Easy enough issue to fix! Grab yourself a Digital Caliper and place the measure on the millimeter setting. Place your dice squarely within the clasp and measure. This is the easiest way to get a precise measure of your dice size. You might be shocked to see that listed dice sizes and actual dice sizes vary slightly. 

Basic digital caliper from amazon. Can measure in millimeter or inch. 

If 16mm is standard, then 12mm  sounds really small… what are they used for? A great observation and common question. 12mm dice are noticeably smaller and unfortunately plenty of people who order a 12mm mistakenly believe they will receive something bigger. 

These dice are popular for wargames that involve rolling for armies, such as Warhammer 40K. In roleplaying games, they can be used as counters, but more often they are used as an appropriate alternative for younger roleplayers with smaller hands. Just make sure they are old enough to know that the dice aren’t  food!

What's up with 20mm and 30mm dice? The short, obvious answer… they are bigger. But more importantly, because they are bigger, they are easier to see. Some players can have trouble seeing the dots on smaller dice, making 30mm dice much more appropriate. The better visibility means less pauses and keeps gameplay moving along smoothly. 

16mm dice and 20mm dice

Take a look at this dice size comparison between blue 16mm dice and yellow 20mm dice. 

But the different types of larger dice make it easier to see something that is beneficial to all gamers: the beauty! Dice design these days involves more and more details and patterns, which can be hard to appreciate in a 16mm dice. That's why some swirl Chessex 7-die sets, such as the Festive and Vortex lines, are best displayed in the larger dice styles. Think of the larger dice as a bigger canvas for an artist to paint: bigger the space, the better the aesthetics!

16mm dice with 30mm dice

Consider the dice size comparison between the 16mm dice (left) and the 30mm dice (right). 

34mm D20 dice by Chessex. If you get a 30mm D6, you pair it with a 34mm D20. In D&D, the D20 is your primary dice, so it makes sense for it to loom over the others. Personally, I find these dice to be exceedingly pretty and have a great feel in hand. No additional practical benefit, but certainly a cool piece for any collection!

Why would anyone want a 50mm dice? Cuz for some people bigger = better! These puppies are so large you can roll them on the floor, or even on the grass, and still read them a decent distance away. 

That said, if you plan on rolling them on the table, run it by your DM first. An immaculate battle map full of minis getting steamrolled by your boulder of a dice would get on anybody's nerves! Regardless, such large dice will always make a great desk ornament.

16mm dice with 50mm dice

Compare the 16mm dice with the red 50mm dice.

What if I want… BIGGER?

You are in luck: there are some WAY oversized, crazy dice out there. Some examples: there are 13" inflatable dice, 2' inflatable dice, and even a 24" d20! Since a 2 ft stone D20 would weigh more than anyone could roll, all these dice sizes are inflatable. 

I hope this dice guide post answered your most pressing dice size related questions! In summary: beyond a few exceptions, the “right dice” depends entirely on your personal preference. 

And with dice coming in all sorts of colors, sizes, and shapes, you are fated to find one that fits you perfectly! 

Is there a question you have that I didn’t answer?  Post your question in the comments and I will get back to you!


Links in this blog go to BrycesDice.com or Amazon.com. Links to Amazon are affiliate links and may bring referrals to BrycesDice.com as an affiliate. 




Great read! Wonderful article. Thanks for the informative breakdown, its extremely helpful!! 😉



Pip size is dependent on the brand, but do tend to scale with larger dice. It is not uncommon to see pips in the 4/5mm range. I think it is fair to say the companies like Chessex have scaling that is consistent. With non-established brands, it will depend on the mold used. For my personal commissions/BrycesDice line of dice. I will play with the scale, trying to mix visibility with the effect of the dice. Like my dog dice. The large dog on the ‘1’ side looks great, where the logo gets a little muted on the other sides due to the dots being smaller.

All this is to say, there is not a one size fits all. More, different brands have different specs. BrycesDice tends to favor a variety of options as opposed to a one size fits all.

Scooter Jamison

Scooter Jamison

what is the size of pips on dice? Is there a ratio, pips to dice?

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